What is New England Stone Lifting?
Well, America doesn’t have a history of Stones of Strength like the rest of the world, so we’re creating that future history right now. New England Stone Lifting (NESL) is a curated collection of lifting stones around New England with more being added all the time.
NESL is a collection of people in New England who are passionate about strength and community building, we are creating an inclusive, positive place for people to learn how strong they are.
NESL is created in contrast to the strength world’s drive to be the alpha.
NESL is also a place where my love of the outdoors, wild remote areas, and strength overlap with my design practice. I use NESL as a way to flex my skills, and build new ones, without a client, letting me wander down whatever road my brain feels interested in. Currently I’m working on getting better at editing videos and creating things that resonate with folks that grew up with skate culture as their major touchstone.
A small sample of my NESL Designs
A 5 week program to get you ready for a stone tour.
The program at the link below is based on Wendlers 531 but modified for Stone Lifting. It is a 5 week Stone specific program designed to get you as strong as possible before your Stone Trip.
You should already have a good base of strength, know your training max(es) and be able to listen to your body. If the volume is too high, or percentages make you feel shitty, drop your Training Max lower.
Also, make sure you do your warm ups, cooldowns and cardio. I don’t have them listed here because they should be automatically added and are highly personal depending on your strengths and weaknesses
I used this program to get ready for my 2024 trip to Ireland where I lifted 13 stones in 10 days, including the Clach McPhee stone you can see here.
Take a look. If you have any questions, hit me up.
Disclaimer: Not a Personal Trainer just an enthusiast with decades of lifting experience, what works for me might not work for you. Please lift smart.
A 12 Week Program get stronger and get you ready.
The program at the link below is based on Wendlers 531 but modified for Stone Lifting. It is a 12 week Stone specific program designed build some extra strength and work capacity, then transition to Stone Specific training.
You should already have a good base of strength, know your training max(es) and be able to listen to your body. If the volume is too high, or percentages make you feel shitty, drop your Training Max lower.
Also, make sure you do your warm-ups, cooldowns and cardio. I don’t have them listed here because they should be automatically added and are highly personal depending on your strengths and weaknesses
Take a look. If you have any questions, hit me up.
Disclaimer: Not a Personal Trainer just an enthusiast with decades of lifting experience, what works for me might not work for you. Please lift smart.