I’m Jarrett (Jrt),
Welcome to my website, You can see a pretty wide selection of work done over the years here. 2019 Events is quite nice, so is the AWS Career Suicide Retrospective the Ronin Retrospective has some cool stuff in it as well
Also, lately I’ve ended up in front of the camera… kind of a lot… You check it out here or here or here or here. It’s pretty special.
I do cool stuff with cool people, and it works. I’ve been lucky to be an active design professional for over 20 years now, since right out of high school.
All of my career decisions are about furthering collaboration. I know that good ideas come from anywhere. We tell better stories when we come up with them together.
Design is a fluid, iterative, language that grows and changes with every technological advance, so it’s important that we take what we know and share it with others. With a language full of nuance and inflection coming from everyone’s own experience, whether cultural or societal, it's impossible to know “everything” no matter how good you are.
We need to share.
Through sharing our ideas and collaborating, we can create amazing content that speaks a common language everyone can enjoy.
If I were trying to put my strengths into some sort of corporate speak, I would say something like…
“I create elegant solutions to complex problems, on time and under budget, within brand guidelines, through targeted collaboration, while avoiding siloed segment ownership issues by working collaboratively and cross-functionally. “
Whatever way I write it though, it’s this: I like to do cool stuff with cool people.
When I’m not working, I’m in the woods, in the water, in other lands, or pretending I’m an old time strongman.
Wanna do some cool shit together?
Email: jrtmcp@gmail.com
Instagram: @avastyematey lately it’s mostly me lifting heavy things with a soupçon of my work
My Resume is here